sábado, mayo 18, 2024
States in México

With more works and actions we improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Irapuato: Governor Diego Sinhue / @diegosinhue @gobiernogto >>>

#EstadoDeGuanajuato.- In a working tour, the Governor of the State, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, delivered road, social and sports infrastructure works. «Here are the works and actions that we are and will continue to fulfill to the people of Irapuato».

The first work that the State President delivered this day, along with the Mayor, Lorena Alfaro García; was the modernization of the access to Irapuato.

Work was done on 1.2 kilometers of roadway, from the Salamanca junction on Federal Highway 45 to Siglo XXI Avenue.

More than 70.2 million pesos were invested in this work, benefiting the entire municipality, as well as the more than 33,600 motorists who use this road every day.

«Irapuato is not alone, we will continue working to give Irapuato the place it deserves, as one of the best cities to live in the center of the country,» said the Governor.

For her part, the Municipal President of Irapuato, Lorena Alfaro García, thanked the Governor for his support and said that this work gives its place to pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles and, above all, favors road respect.

«With this support that the Governor has given us, Irapuato is complete in a traffic light system that is reflected in better mobility and greater safety for those of us who circulate on the streets,» she added.

#MéxicoNewsTvMéxico Noticias tv

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